Sweet Potato Cardamom Waffles

To skip the post and step-by-step instructions and go straight to recipe, click here.

While pumpkin and cinnamon typically reign supreme in autumn in the U.S., I highly encourage you to give the untapped combination of warm cardamom and sweet potato a try this year.  Cardamom has such a sweet, herbal warmth to it and I always wish it was in more things!  I think it pairs just wonderfully with sweet potato and maple.  When smothered with some salted butter and real maple syrup, these unique waffles are like a warm, autumnal hug.  They’re crispy on the outside and pillowy soft in the middle, and are just perfect for a cool, cozy morning.  Treat yourself or your family to them this weekend and you might just make a new fall tradition! 

Recipe Notes

  • Batter thickness: Because this recipe includes mashed sweet potato and uses Greek yogurt in place of a liquid like milk, it is very thick.  It works great in my waffle maker, but I realize that it might be a little trickier with some.  If you would prefer a thinner waffle batter, replace the Greek yogurt with buttermilk or whole milk with a splash of lemon juice.

  • Nutmeg: I am a huge advocate for freshly grated nutmeg, and this recipe is no exception.  I tend to like to have my spices already ground for convenience, even though a lot of them are obviously better when you grind them yourself, but nutmeg is one spice that I will always take the time and effort to do myself.  It makes such a big difference in the end product and comes through so much better!  The flavor comes through with more warmth and fragrance when freshly grated.  Plus, you don’t need any fancy tools - I just use the smaller side of my cheese grater!  You can of course just use store-bought ground nutmeg if that’s what you have, but keep my advice in mind for the future. It really makes all the difference!

  • Cream of tartar: While not the most common cooking ingredient, cream of tartar actually has a pretty simple purpose.  Cream of tartar is the byproduct of wine fermenting, and is basically an acidic powder that helps your whipped egg whites stay stable and not lose their fluffiness.  The acid keeps the proteins in the egg white from sticking together, which means more bubbles, smaller bubbles, and bubbles that don’t collapse.  It’ll keep your waffle batter nice and fluffy.  But, if you don’t have it, it can be either omitted or replaced with a splash of lemon juice for a similar effect.  

  • Cooking your waffles: I don’t include cooking instructions for the waffles in this recipe, because everyone’s waffle maker is different.  My waffle maker makes mini waffles, and I’ve found that 4 minutes is the perfect amount of time to make them crispy but not burnt.  But, between brands and preferences, yours will most likely be different.  Just do a test waffle or two to figure out what works for you!  I will say however, that these waffles are better slightly overdone than underdone.  The sweet potato can create a slightly gummy texture if the waffle isn’t cooked thoroughly, so err on the side of extra crispy.

  • Heating up leftovers: To heat up leftovers of these waffles, simply pop them in the toaster! It’ll give you a much crisper outside than a microwave would, and will avoid making them tough and chewy.

Step-By-Step Walk-Through

If you’re feeling confident in your cooking skills and want to skip the walk-through, click here.

Step 1:

Make Batter


Separate the whites and yolks of two eggs.


In a medium mixing bowl, beat the egg whites with ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar.  Beat at medium speed with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form.  Set aside.

In a large bowl, combine 1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour, the egg yolks, 1 cup of unsweetened Greek yogurt (or buttermilk for a thinner batter), 1 cup of peeled, boiled, mashed sweet potato, ¼ cup honey, ½ teaspoon vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste, ½ tablespoon baking powder, 3 tablespoons melted salted butter, 1 teaspoon ground cardamom, and either ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg or a generous dash of freshly grated nutmeg.


Mix until just combined.


Add the whipped egg whites and fold together with a large rubber spatula until just fully combined with no remaining white streaks of meringue.

Step 2:

Cook Waffles


Follow the instructions for your waffle maker to cook your waffles.  Everyone’s waffle maker and preferences are different, so do a couple test waffles and then go with what works best for you.  

Step 3:



Serve finished waffles with salted butter and real maple syrup, or your favorite waffle toppings.  Enjoy!

Sweet Potato Cardamom Waffles

Servings: 5 large waffles or 20 mini waffles

Time: 35 - 95 minutes, depending on your waffle maker Difficulty: Easy/Medium


  • 2 large eggs

  • ¼ tsp. cream of tartar

  • 1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour

  • 1 cup plain unsweetened Greek yogurt (or buttermilk for a thinner batter)

  • 1 cup peeled, boiled, and mashed sweet potato

  • ¼ cup honey

  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste

  • ½ TBS. baking powder

  • 3 TBS. melted salted butter

  • 1 tsp. ground cardamom

  • ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg or a generous dash of freshly grated nutmeg


Step 1: Make Batter

Separate the whites and yolks of eggs.  In a medium mixing bowl, beat the egg whites with cream of tartar.  Beat at medium speed with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form.  Set aside.

In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, egg yolks, Greek yogurt (or, for a thinner batter, use buttermilk), mashed sweet potato, honey, vanilla, baking powder, melted salted butter, ground cardamom, and nutmeg.

Mix until just combined.

Add the whipped egg whites and fold together with a large rubber spatula until just fully combined with no remaining white streaks of meringue.

Step 2: Cook Waffles

Follow the instructions for your waffle maker to cook your waffles.  Everyone’s waffle maker and preferences are different, so do a couple test waffles and then go with what works best for you.  

Step 3: Serve 

Serve finished waffles with salted butter and real maple syrup, or your favorite waffle toppings.  Enjoy!


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